Welcome to 52 Weeks In Williamsburg


52 Weeks In Williamsburg’s main focus is in the BLOG section where I post images that are special to people who live here, and me. I give a brief explanation of why this image is special, but my intent is to provide just enough information to pique your interest while you view the picture. Whether you live here, or come for a visit, the image and story might give you a different perspective on our area, or prompt you to go find it.
52 Weeks In Williamsburg is a place where you can view life throughout the year here in Williamsburg and the surrounding area. Think of this as the cover page of a magazine. You will see rotating images that show the breadth of Williamsburg, from Jamestown to Yorktown, across the Seasons. Some will look familiar, but others might not. And that is the point. This area is more than the re-creation of the Colonial Capital. When I moved here 30 years ago, I had no idea how diverse the area is, from weather, to wildlife, to landscape, to people. This page will give you a glimmer of that diversity.
In the GALLERIES section there is an album that includes more pictures from some of the posts. Just click or tap the Blog picture in the album and more pictures will appear. If you click one of those, a slide show will open up for that post.
I hope you return to to 52 Weeks In Williamsburg often to see the latest picture and what it means to the person who picked it. While you are at it, check out all of the sections.
If you see text highlighted in dark grey, it is a link to something, either a resource or further information.
Enjoy your visit.